Principal’s Message

Dear Students, Parents, Families and Community Members;

Welcome to North Shuswap Elementary. We are located in the North Shuswap; walking distance from the shore of Shuswap Lake. We are a K to 8 school that prides itself in promoting a safe and caring environment where students can take risks, explore interests and take pride in their accomplishments.   We strive to work with our educational community to create respectful, responsible citizens who value diversity and work hard at being inclusive.

We have an amazing PAC at North Shuswap. All parents are encouraged to attend the meetings to see what exciting things our PAC is doing to promote our school. Their ongoing support greatly enriches the educational experiences of our children and allows us to provide programs that otherwise may not exist; such as our Winter Recreation Program.  Our PAC in conjunction with the Lions and our local Scotch Creek, Ross Creek and Fetch Panda Markets provide a free Hot Lunch Program once a week for the entire year for all students. We are truly lucky to have such a supportive parent community!

If you would like more information about our school and what we have to offer, please don’t hesitate to call or stop by. You can also follow us on our Facebook Page – North Shuswap Elementary.